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发布时间:2024-05-05 13:22

Tile: Iviaio o he Aual Academic Coferece

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighed o ivie you o paricipae i our Aual Academic Coferece, which will ake place o [Iser Dae ad Place]. This eve is a opporuiy for he academic commuiy o come ogeher, share kowledge, ad discuss he laes research advacemes i various fields.

The coferece will kick off wih a keyoe speech delivered by [Iser Speaker's ame], a leadig exper i [Iser Speaker's Field of Experise]. This will be followed by a series of preseaios give by researchers from various isiuios, focusig o he mos rece fidigs ad iovaios i academia. I addiio, here will be breakou sessios for more i-deph discussios ad eworkig opporuiies.

We ecourage you o submi a absrac of your research for cosideraio as a preseaio. Please submi your absracs hrough our olie plaform by [Iser Deadlie Dae]. oificaios regardig accepace will be se ou by [Iser oificaio Dae].

If you are ieresed i beig a par of our eseemed pael of judges for he poser compeiio, please le us kow by [Iser Deadlie Dae]. The compeiio is ope o all coferece paricipas, ad he wiig ery will be awarded a prize.

For furher iformaio o he coferece, icludig he regisraio fee ad accommodaio deails, please visi our websie a [Iser Websie Lik]. If you have ay quesios or cocers, feel free o coac us a [Iser Email or Coac umber].

We look forward o your paricipaio ad are eager o see your valuable coribuios a he coferece. Joi us for wha promises o be a exciig ad erichig experiece i学术交流.


[Your ame][Your Posiio][Your Coac Iformaio]